Black Ochre DIY Soap Making Workshops are a fun interactive yet relaxing experience where participants get to create their own custom soaps.
These workshops are facilitated by Gunditjmara & Mutthi Mutthi woman Nolita Edwards.
This workshop is not only about making soaps but enjoying the process, turning the making of the soap into a type of art therapy
bringing mob together in an urban setting for holistic healing and wellness. These workshops are about ‘Reawakening our own power
to heal ourselves, in our own way, in our own time.
To register, call us on 9244 3333 or email
Download the PDF flyer here
Black Ochre DIY Soap Making Workshops are a fun interactive yet relaxing experience where participants get to create their own custom soaps.
These workshops are facilitated by Gunditjmara & Mutthi Mutthi woman Nolita Edwards.
This workshop is not only about making soaps but enjoying the process, turning the making of the soap into a type of art therapy
bringing mob together in an urban setting for holistic healing and wellness. These workshops are about ‘Reawakening our own power
to heal ourselves, in our own way, in our own time.
To register, call us on 9244 3333 or email
Download the PDF flyer here