Submission to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan to End Violence against Women

Djirra welcomes the opportunity to make a submission on the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Action Plan. As an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation specialising in supporting and empowering women who have experienced family violence, Djirra sees the intersecting ways vulnerable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are let down by the system, punished by harsh criminal justice and child protection policies that are compounded by failures in housing and other support services

Djirra notes that there is still only limited information about both the Standalone Plan and the Action Plan and how they will operate. It is crucial that they are independent and truly reflective of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women’s self-determination and consistent with, but not under the direction of, the National Plan. It is vital that First Nations initiatives receive sustainable, long-term funding that is truly commensurate with the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.

In addition, Djirra makes 24 recommendations based on our 20 years of experience working as a specialist Aboriginal community controlled organisation that prioritises the safety of Aboriginal women and children.