Productivity Commission Review of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap Draft Report

Djirra strongly agrees with the findings of the draft report that Australian governments have consistently failed to deliver on their commitment to overcome Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander inequality by closing the gap. The devastating outcome of the Voice to Parliament referendum means it is critical that the National Agreement targets be brought into sharp focus and immediately prioritised, addressed and met.

Djirra welcomes the Victorian government’s continued commitment to working alongside our communities to progress Truth Telling, Voice and Treaty. While this commitment is significant, it is evident that this journey will take time. In the meantime, it is essential that more is done to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determined solutions are prioritised and invested in. It is concerning that implementation of the four Closing the Gap priority areas has been delayed in Victoria, and we stand with Ngaweeyan Maar-oo in calling on government to prioritise these important initiatives equally with the Treaty process.