VIP – National FVPLS (copy 01)

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Dear *|FNAME|*,

Reminder - FVPLS Victoria 15 Year Anniversary Gala RSVP due 

Following on from our invitation sent, the Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention & Legal Service Victoria (FVPLS Victoria) Board and CEO Antoinette Braybrook would love for you to join us at our Gala celebration to mark our 15th anniversary. 

To receive your complimentary ticket please RSVP by this Friday 16 February 2018.  
You can confirm your attendance on our website, using our RSVP Form or you can email us at: [email protected] 

FVPLS Victoria 15 Year Anniversary Gala
Saturday 3 March 2018
6.30pm for a 7pm start
Peninsula A at Docklands,
Central Pier - 161 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands 3008

The Gala will be a special evening of celebration, as we recognise our 15th anniversary and share some important news regarding our organisation's vision moving forward.

The Gala is set to be a spectacular evening, with an exceptional showcase of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander talent including Christine Anu, Isaiah Firebrace, The Merindas, Shiralee Hood, Nganong Parreeyt and SOVTRAX. The celebration will be hosted by MC Aunty Pam Pedersen. You can view the full event promotional flyer here. 

All questions regarding the Gala can be directed to [email protected]  

Many thanks, 

FVPLS Victoria
Copyright © 2017 Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
292 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067

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