Antoinette Braybrook, CEO Djirra, welcomed the Victorian Government for providing ongoing funding for a vital service which supports Aboriginal women in Victoria who are survivors of family violence and works to prevent family violence.
“I am extremely pleased to see Djirra’s Koori Women’s Place given ongoing funding in today’s budget. The Victorian Government have provided unprecedented investment in Djirra since the Royal Commission,” Ms Braybrook said.
“Djirra’s approach is holistic – we work at the frontline and design and deliver early intervention and prevention programs with a strong focus on building Aboriginal women’s resilience. Koori Women’s Place creates access and opportunities for Aboriginal women and mothers and their children”.
Djirra is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation that specialises in family violence. Djirra has been working on the ground with Aboriginal women, or mums and especially those escaping of family violence for over 16 years.
“Our focus is strengths based with a strong cultural focus. Everything we do is by Aboriginal women and for Aboriginal women – Aboriginal women’s business, our cultural way. Our Koori Women’s Place is a place where all Aboriginal women feel safe, connect with other Aboriginal women, share similar circumstances and are never judged, only supported”.
“We hope to see future Victorian Budgets provide more funding for specialist organisations like Djirra and its Koori Women’s Place so we can expand our successful and culturally safe programs into others parts of the state. This will build Aboriginal women’s resilience, address the high rates of violence and increasing incarceration and child removal rates against our women, and ensure our women and children are together safe,” Ms Braybrook said.
“Investing in services in the community and not those which lead to a punitive approach must be a priority of government. Aboriginal women, our mums must have access to intensive, holistic case management support to escape violence and keep their children, and Djirra is best placed to do this”.
“Djirra and its holistic approach and the investment for our Koori Women’s Place is one step forward to providing the much needed front-end investment to keep Aboriginal women, or mums, our kids together in their homes and in their communities”.