Today’s Victorian Budget contains welcome investment into Aboriginal self-determination
and ongoing support to address and prevent family violence.
‘After last year’s unprecedented $1.9billion investment in addressing and preventing family
violence, we are pleased to see sustained investment in this critical area going forward.
However we must remember that when it comes to family violence there are no quick fixes.
This is an issue that requires generational change and long-term, significant funding,’ says
Antoinette Braybrook, CEO of Djirra (formerly the Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention
and Legal Service Victoria).
This Budget includes a remarkable $116 million over four years to support Aboriginal
Victorians, including a total of $47.3 million over four years to address the over
representation of Aboriginal children in out-of-home care through the Wungurilwil
Gapgapduir (Strong Families) – Aboriginal Children and Families Agreement, launched last
‘Djirra welcomes the Andrews Government’s commitment to Aboriginal self-determination
and reducing the disproportionate rates of Aboriginal children forcibly removed from
their families and communities,’ says Ms Braybrook. ‘However, we must make sure this
translates into real change on the ground for Aboriginal mothers experiencing family
‘Family Violence is the single biggest driver of Aboriginal child removal, with 88% of
Aboriginal children in care having experienced family violence. We need to see a
transformation in how the system supports Aboriginal mothers experiencing family
violence as a fundamental starting point in intervening earlier to keep our children safe in
their family’s care’, says Antoinette Braybrook. ‘We need a system that understands both
mum and children are victims of family violence – kids aren’t collateral damage to violence
against mum; and mums aren’t to blame for the violence they endure.’
The 2018-19 Victorian Budget also contains welcome investment of $9.1million in 2018-19
for the Indigenous Family Violence 10 Year Plan, and ongoing investment of $1.4million and
$1.5million in future years. Similarly, modest investment towards implementation of other
key strategies to reduce family violence across the population continues – such as the Family Violence Industry
Plan, ‘Free From Violence’ prevention strategy, and ‘Safe and Strong’ Gender Equality Strategy.
‘We look forward to seeing further funding announcements throughout this election year and a bi-partisan
commitment to addressing family violence – especially long-term investment in culturally safe early
intervention and the critical work of Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations who specialise in working
with victims/survivors to provide holistic, wrap-around support for Aboriginal women who are among those
at highest risk of violence in our community.’
Media Contact: Laura Vines for Antoinette Braybrook on 0408 812 830 or
Like us on Facebook or follow us on twitter: @DjirraVIC and Antoinette Braybrook: @BraybrookA