On 22 May, Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention & Legal Service Victoria (FVPLS Victoria) launched a social media campaign for Victorian Aboriginal youth aged 13-21 years, as part of a
primary prevention strategy to end family violence. The campaign’s purpose is to promote healthy relationships to young people, enabling them to reflect on their own
behaviours and to identify their own healthy and respectful relationships.
The project is funded by the Victorian State Government and is part of their Aboriginal Family Violence Media Strategy. “The Andrews Labor Government is proud to support
the Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service in delivering this fantastic project that is helping to reduce family violence and keep our communities safe.”
Minister Natalie Hutchins, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs.
The campaign features a five minute video which tells the story of Kiah, a fictional character created by two Aboriginal women from FVPLS Victoria. The story shows some
of the danger signs of controlling behaviours and attitudes that can creep into any relationship and spiral into violence and abuse.
“What’s innovative about this campaign is that it educates our girls about the warning signs, while also bringing positive relationships into the spotlight – highlighting culture as
a protective factor and encouraging our girls to draw strength from family and friends,” said Antoinette Braybrook, CEO at FVPLS Victoria.
The campaign can be viewed through the FVPLS Victoria Facebook page and includes a competition titled ‘Deadly Duos’. By entering the competition young Aboriginal women
aged 13-21 years can win a $1000 Visa gift card. Entries close at the conclusion of the campaign on Thursday 29 June 2017, with Andrew Jackomos, Commissioner for
Aboriginal Children and Young People judging the competition. Winners will be announced at the FVPLS Victoria NAIDOC week celebration on Tuesday 4 July 2017.
FVPLS Victoria is encouraging community, agencies and the media to support the campaign. “We want everyone to get behind this campaign to prevent family violence
and support our next generation of Koori women. You can support the campaign by viewing the video, sharing it around and encouraging our girls to enter the competition”, said Ms Braybrook.
The campaign builds on FVPLS Victoria’s Young Luv program, a culturally safe, family violence early intervention and prevention initiative delivered to young Aboriginal women. Young
Luv helps participants to be strong in who they are, by identifying unhealthy behaviours, building resilience and developing self-awareness. “By drawing on cultural strength and community
connection, we are building the resilience of Koori girls and young women and helping to break the cycle of violence,” Ms Braybrook says.
Like us on Facebook or follow us on twitter: @FVPLSVictoria and Antoinette Braybrook: @BraybrookA
Media Contact: Amy Greer for Antoinette Braybrook on 0428 112 356 or [email protected]